Grand Island Lions Board Meeting Minutes 2018

January 15, 2018
Emergency Board Meeting at Lion Tom Witkowski's House.

Henry Lobl
Bob Goulding
Dick Crawford
Anne Fahning
Fred Ruocco
Shelia Ferrentino
Tom Witkowski
Paul Krupa
The Purpose of the Meeting was to discuss the process to take to sell the winning Super Bowl Package.
Had discussion about selling the tickets on Ebay, offering price, dates to end the sale.  Discussion was had about the content of the verbiage for the ad.  No mention of the Brandel/Murphy Lions Youth Foundation in the ad.  No Reserve.  Airfare must be Coach and in the Continental US.  Tom Witkowski to send out draft.
$12,600 for the package plus air.  The winner of the auction would make their own reservations and be reimbursed.  Grand Island Lions will pay air out of proceeds and will get reimbursement from the Foundation. 
Ann Fahning made a Motion to post on Ebay no later than tomorrow the 2018 Super Bowl Package that we won with no reserve.
Lion Paul Krupa 2nd
Motion Passed.
Meeting Adjourned.
Submitted by Lion Shelia

Minutes of Grand Island Lions Board Meeting on January 24, 2018

Lion Paul Bassette recommended that the budget for the Scholarship award be increased from $2000 to $2500.  Lion President Henry made that a motion, Lion Anne seconded it and it was voted on and approved.
There was a brief mention of how many prizes to award and their amounts and it was agreed that is best left to the Scholarship Committee to decide based on the circumstances of the given year.
The Peace Poster budget was discussed and its budget is sufficient.
More information on possible Lion tree planting related to Arbor Day will be discussed at the meeting on February 25th.
The board meeting was then adjourned.
Submitted by: Lion Brooks Rimes


Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting 3-14-2018

10 in attendance:  LP Henry, Fred, Tom W, Shelia, Anne, Kelly, Bob, Dick, Cindy,  Donna
Lion Tom W A change in the proposed dues structure for new members. Propose that we adopt the new structure.  Motion Lion Anne that we accept the proposed fees that were sent out in the email.  Seconded Lion Shelia, all in favor.

Urgent request from radio reading services.  Have we sent the donation.

Sidway school has a fundraiser for a new playground.  Lion Dick made a motion that we make a donation of $500 or we could purchase raffle tickets for a jetski.  Amended motion:  Lion Dick Motion $250 for Sidway’s handicapped accessable, then $250 matching grant from Ray Wheelers foundation.   Seconded by Lion Anne, vote all in favor, motion passed.They are trying to make the playground more handicap assessible for all. 

Motion to adjourn Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Shelia, all in favor, meeting adjourned 9:06 PM10

Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Below are next year's Nominations for Officers: 
Floor nominations can also be made that evening.  Club elections will take place at our meeting on Wednesday, April 11th at the Radisson.

President:  Lion Shelia Ferrentino
1st Vice President:  Lion Paul Krupa
2nd Vice President:  Lion Ann Fahning
2 Year Director:  Lion  Dick Crawford
2 Year Director:  Lion Cindy Sharpe
1 Year Director:  Lion Bob Goulding
1 Year Director:  Lion Brooks Rimes
Treasurer:  Lion Tom Witkowski
Lion Tamer & Tail Twister:  Fred Ruocco
Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavalle
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly McGarvey
Membership Chair:  Lion Tom Rusert

I hope to see everyone at this important meeting.

Lion Kelly
Corresponding Secretary
*Sent via email 3/23/2018 

Grand Island Lions Board Meeting
April 11, 2018

12 in attendance: LP Henry Lobl, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Crawford, Brooks Rimes, Kelly McGarvey, Cindy Sharpe, Paul Krupa, Donna Lavallee.

The amount for the dues for new member Adrienne Cassata has been resolved.  She will become a member in July 2018.  Correspondence indicated that the application was sent in too early.

Lion Henry proposed that the last meeting of the year be an appreciation dinner for members and guests as this is customary in other volunteer organizations. After discussion it was decided to have the couples picnic as a appreciation lunch.

Loan closet is once again full, we ae, however, in need of wheelchairs.  It was decided to have a clean out on Saturday 4/14 for anyone who can come.

Upcoming dates:
5/9 Radisson, Cindy Sharpe will find someone for the program
5/23 Peace Poster winners at the BLC
6/13 Installation Dinner at the Radisson guests invited.

Motion to adjourn: Lion Anne, seconded Lion Tom.
Meeting adjourned 8:58

Board of Directors Meeting 5/23/18

Present: Henry, Shelia, Anne, Cyndi, Tom W., Kelly, Fred, Bob, Dick.
Henry discussed  application for membership of Beverly Kinney. He mad motion to accept Beverly as a member. Anne seconded. Vote yes by all directors.
Kelly brought up issue of perfect attendance. The club has always allowed flexibility with this. Kelly spoke to other clubs at the recent cabinet meeting. Their policy is a member must attend all meetings in the year to receive this recognition, Tom W. read our constitution which mirrored the same.
Motion made by Anne to follow the rules of International regarding perfect attendance. Second by Henry. Discussion followed. 8 yes votes. 1 abstention. Motion carried.
In the July/ August newsletter there will be an article on the change for all members to see.
Motion to adjourn by Tom W. Second by Henry

Board of Directors Meeting June 27 2018

Present: Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Donna Lavallee, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl ,Kelly McGarvey , Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski.
Excused: Paul Krupa, Brooks Rimes, Cindy Sharpe. Fred Ruocco.
Lion Henry thanked everyone for support.
Outstanding Items for Board to consider are: Improving communications- e-mails, phone tree etc.;fundraising efforts with loss of Bon Ton Fundraiser of $1000; membership to reach out to current members who do not regularly attend meetings and the necessity to review and approve meeting minutes on a monthly basis as this is a legal record of Lion  activity.
Lion Shelia
Will appoint Directors to head committees.
Constitution and By Laws need revision. Committee-Dick, Kelly, Shelia, Tom W. Tom W. will email copy to all Directors.
Telephone Committee- Shelia will contact chair people.
Dinner Cost discussion. It was decided that Shelia will send a letter to Radisson and BLC stating our budget per meal is $20. What can the restaurant do to accommodate this number.
Meeting Dates were reviewed. DG visit is Xmas Party. Valentine’s Party is 2/27/2019. Spaghetti Dinner will be April 29,2019.
Shelia  distributed a draft letter supporting the town’s grant application for a tree inventory. Dick explained the history and need especially due to the ash borer issue. Discussion followed.
Motion made by Dick to approve  the letter of the Lions’ support of the grant. 2nd by Henry. All in favor of motion. Passed.
Joint Meeting. Dick distributed a thank-you letter from Melvin Jones Award winner John Harbison. He had discussed another joint meeting after we had been the host for one in 2015. John will contact Dick upon return from California.  Discussion followed. Joint meeting date established for 10/10/2018. Topic and speaker will be Family Jusitce Center. Groups to be contacted are Rotary, Zonta, Kiwanis, VFW, American Legion, Moose. Joint Meetig Committee are Dick, Tom W.,Donna, John Harbison and anyone else who would like to contribute.
Treasurers Report- Tom Witkowski
Reviewed statement. Tom made a motion to place the booster nite money and the NYS Bermuda  Lions Foundation  raffle prize of $500. In the general fund. 2nd by Bob. All in favor of motion. Passed
Dues  Outstanding are Rose Family and Tucker Family. Tom Di John has been sent a form for Employer reimbursement.
Tom discussed fundraisers Taste of Grand Island 9/21/2018. And the island wide garage sale which the Lions will use  Tom W. garage and sell hot dogs is 7/21/2018 from 9am-4pm.
Tom made the motion for both events. 2nd by Dick. All in favor. Passed.
Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Tom R. 2nd by Shelia. All in favor. Passed.
Membership. Tom R. stated that he will hold a membership contest where each member puts in $ 5. And the member who brings in the most members will win.
Loan Closet- Dick said for the present the closet is ours due to the cost of rehab of the buildings
Members Picnic- Anne Date is 7/28/2018. Food 3-5pm. Cruise 5 pm. Menu, and drinks is Henry’s responsibility... Boat ride is limited to 30 people. Article will be put in Newsletter with RSVP by 7/10/2018.
Special kids Picnic- Annette. Face Painters have aged out. Will contact Sarah Sweeney to supervise activity. Bob’s granddaughter and friend will help. Annette will put article on Newsletter regarding set- up tme etc..
Motion to adjourn made by Henry.2nd by Tom W.
Respectfully Submitted – Annette Lobl

Grand Island Lions BOD Meeting July 25th 2018

BOD Meeting held at Howard Hanna office on July 25, 2018.  Meeting began at 6:30 pm.
Attending meeting:  Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski and Kelly McGarvey

Treasurer Report:  Tom Witkowski reviewed the welfare and general accounts.  Tom report the Lions Garage/Hot Dog Sale held on Saturday, July 21st raised $226.75.  The leftover hotdog rolls were donated to an organization ran by Rosa Marra on 19th Street in the falls.  Two packs of hot dogs will be sold the Tonawanda Lions Club.  Still have 13 unpaid ads from this year’s spaghetti dinner.  He suggests next year that ads be paid in full prior to the printing of the table mats.

SKP – Tom Rusert reported no accidents or problems with boats.  A question was raised whether or not children should be wearing life jackets.  The matter was discussed and will be presented to a knowledgeable individual for investigation.  

Committee Reports:
Donna Lavallee found out Trinity Church is open on November 11th for Health Fair.  Cost would be $120.

Membership Contest: Tom Rusert stated that newsletter had details regarding the membership contest.  He would like anyone who is getting into contest to sign up and pay the $5.00 by our 2nd meeting in September.  New members who join our club after this September meeting,  will be given the opportunity to join this contest if they choose and pay $5.00.

Shelia will be putting out an email to get members volunteer to sign up for club committees.

Budget Committee:  Brooks, Henry, Tom W, Dick  and Shelia
By Laws Committee:  Dick, Shelia, Kelly and Tom W.
Telephone Committee:  Shelia to talks with Lions already doing

Shelia will be calling the BLC and Radisson to renegioate rates for our meetings.

At our September 12th meeting,  the club will discuss the attendance issue for reports.

Other fundraising ideas were discussed.  Meat raffle came up again.  Tom Rusert and Tom Witkowski will find out more information about this type of fundraiser.  Tom W. will ask Nancy Rosie from Town of Wheatfield Lions to possibly come and talk with our club at a meeting to discuss.

NEXT BOD meeting is AUGUST 22nd at 6:30 pm at the Howard Hanna office.
Future meetings:
September 12th – Speaker Ken Stimm  to discuss Turbine Power
September 26th – Hope to have Nancy Rosie from Wheatfield Lions come & give us details on holding “Meat Raffle” as a fundraiser.
October 10th – Joint Service Club meeting @ Radisson
October 24th – Merritton Club visit @ Moose Lodge
February 27th – Meeting at Mallwitz’s Island Lanes
April 24th -  Trip to Merritton Ontario Lions Club
April 29th – Spaghetti Dinner at Radisson
July 17th – Special Kids Picnic at BLC

Meeting ended at 7:19 pm

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
August 22, 2018

Attendance: (9 in attendance)  Shelia Ferrentino, Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford, Tom Witkowski, Bob Goulding, Anne Fahning, Kelly McGarvey, Brooks Rimes, Donna Lavallee

Lion President Shelia Ferrentino. called the meeting to order at 6:36PM.
Motion to accept the minutes, all in favor.
Items for discussion:

Lion Dick has contacted both the Radisson and BLC for pricing for next year, he hasn’t heard back yet.
Old Business: Lion Kelly, regarding attendance, what is considered perfect attendance? There are 16 meetings, and 3 main special events, SKP, Spaghetti dinner, White cane.  From the district training meeting they indicated that meeting and special events are different. If we change this we need to change the by-laws. This will decided at a later date.
No outstanding dues.
Membership committee: Lion Dick for Lion Tom R.  He would like every member to donate $5 to go into a kitty that will be won by the Lion that brings in the most members. Lion Kelly spoke to someone at the White cane and she sent her an application. Money was collected from Lion Shelia, Lion Brooks, Lion Kelly. Money collected by Lion Dick.
White Cane report Lion Henry; we collected 1932.97.  This may be due to poor weather and lack of people filing the slots. 5 shifts out of 21 were not covered. Lion Henry is looking for someone to organize and help with the canes. Lions who participated are; Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Jerry Dubiel, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Donna Lavallee, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Kelly McGarvey, Dan Morabito, Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Cindy Sharpe, Tom Witkowski.  Lion Henry will draft a letter to thank the community.
We have a request from Miranda Proctor for sponsorship to an International Baton twirlers event in Peru that is sponsored by Trujillo (Peru) Lions Club. The purpose is to raise funds for charitable works in in South America.  Motion by Lion Shelia that we give her $100 with pins with the provision that she present at our club. Seconded by Lion Henry. All in favor.  She will leaving 9/20.  Lion Dick will supply pins.
Health fair is confirmed for 11/10 at Trinity church.  $150. A motion to have $150 to be paid to Trinity UMC to cover the cost of the venue.  Lion Donna will take care of securing the building.
First Annual GI festival and BBQ Battle.  Turtle Derby: Lion Tom. To raise money for non-profits, schools, etc. The Turtle Derby will be at a Barbeque cook off on Sept 7 7-10 PM and 8 is from 12-8 PM. They would like the club to volunteer 3 people for all day. General consensus was that we will not participate at this time; therefore, we will not be a beneficiary of the fundraiser.
Idea for donation to “Unique Theater” sponsored by Vienna Haak.  They hire writers and actors with special needs.  The production allows people with special needs to have a theater/acting experience.  This year they will be at the Alleyway Theater for 2 weeks. She will write a request to the club. Production is in November.
Loan Closet: Lion Dick; no request from the town to move yet. We still have excess and the closet will need to be cleaned out. Lion Dick has fulfilled requests for 2 wheelchairs, 2 bath chairs and 1 walker and a scooter. We should do a call for wheelchairs and transport chairs as we are short on these items. Lion Dick will write a letter to the NF Publishing.
Joint service meeting on Oct 10 with other service clubs will have Mary Travers Murphy of the Family Justice Center present.  This meeting should be at the Radisson, but this will be confirmed by Lion Dick. Lion Tom will be contacting other service clubs.
Meat Raffle discussion will be on 9/26 by Lion Nancy Rosie from the Wheatfield club on fundraiser opportunities.
We received an additional $200 from the Knights of Columbus Chicken Dinner fundraiser.
Ms. O’Donnell, who started SABAH is now chair of Gliding Stars. She would like to present to the Club.  Scheduling needs to looked at to accommodate to correct time frame for their events.
LP Shelia has another possible speaker that has a program that supports a retreat for Women who are cancer survivors.
Meals on Wheels will be coordinated by Lion Annette through December. Then someone needs to head up the schedule. Lion Anne will help. We will one or two more volunteers for the winter months.
Bob DeGlopper received a thank you note for the SKP from the Lake Shore Summer School Club.
Treasurers Report Lion Tom W.:  A copy of the TR was disbursed for review.  Balances were reviewed.  Motion to accept the TR as written, Lion Dick, all in favor.

Corresponding Secretary’s report:
Zonta 60 year anniversary 10/20 for anyone interested. Lion Kelly has information
Girl Scouts asking for a donation. We have decided to support them by buying cookies.
Thank you from Lakeshore Animal Sanctuary.
Invites for Dining in the Dark from Olmstead Center for Sight.
Lion Tom W. will be gone 9/16 through 10/23 we will need someone to step in the write checks.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Shelia, seconded by Lion Kelly.  Meeting adjourned: 7:47 PM

GI Lions Board Meeting
September 26, 2018

12 Dick, Shelia, Paul K, Fred, Tom R, Anne, Kelly, Bob, Annette, Henry, Dave, Donna
By laws were changed quite a bit Lion Tom W has this and will present when he returns.
Budget Committee needs to set a date to meet when Lion Tom W returns.
Speakers:  Program chair, Cindy Sharpe.  So far we have Elizabeth O’Donnell from Gliding Stars, Vienna Haak, DG at the Christmas Party, Twirler, Joint meeting with Merrittan, Peace Poster, schedule to come out to clarify.
Treasurer’s Motion to accept the TR as written Lion Dick, Lion Paul, all in favor.


Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors
October 24, 2018

Meeting called to order at 8:30 by LP Shelia Ferrentino
11 in attendance:  Lion Shelia, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Henry Lobl, Dave Chervinsky, Anne Fahning, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Brooks Rimes, Donna Lavallee
Lion Anne, Hopeful Ways is the group that travels to Nicaragua, Lion Anne has now joined a split club called Seeds of Love.  Lion Anne has changed due to leadership in Hopeful Ways. The Seeds of Love will not go down this year due to political unrest.  Seeds of Love will still be sending supplies and glasses, donations of clothes.  We got a request for a donation.  Lion Kelly A motion to donate $100 to Seeds of Love, seconded Lion Henry, all in favor, motion passed.
Lion Anne would like to make a motion to donate $75 to Erie 1 Boces to help children buy Christmas presents for their families. A donation request is forthcoming.  Seconded by Lion Kelly, all in favor.
Lion Henry motion that we donate $150 for the Dog Bowl at the Merritton Community Center, seconded by Lion Anne. Vote all in favor, motion passed.
A budget donation with be made to the Braille Group. The request was given to Lion Tom W.
Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation Tickets, we have $200 worth of tickets.  Lion Dick made a motion to purchase the tickets, seconded by Lion Kelly, al in favor this is in the budget.
Joint service meeting was very successful which energized the community and good feedback.  There is a good opportunity to serve the community. Samantha Miller has offered to manage a joint calendar to be shared amongst the clubs.
Suits for Vets:  Lion Dick.  Men’s and Women’s suits are donated for Vets.  The suits will be sent to AmVets.  Lion Dick has a car full of suits.  Lion Shelia offered to temporarily store the suits at Howard Hanna. Lion Dick will visiting other service organization to gather interest and support.
Lion Dick will be meeting with Mary Hagerty of Rotary Club to develop a service project to send school supplies to schools in Wilmington NC for students in need.

LP Shelia suggested a meeting of the board of the other service clubs to adopt a project for all of the clubs.
Discussion on the breakdown of the phone tree for member participation at dinners.  There was a suggestion that Danielle Rose email everyone with the exception of 3 to 4 people that need to be called. Tom Natale, Bob Goulding and Jerry Dubiel.  LP Shelia will contact Lion Paul Krupa with these details.
Meeting was adjourned  9:10 PM

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting 11/14/18 Radisson hotel

Attending: Lions Shelia, Dick, Henry, Bob, Tom R., Tom W., Kelly, Paul K., Anne, Jeanine, Dave and Annette.
Budget was presented and reviewed by Lion Tom W.
Discussion of Spaghetti dinner expenses.
Hotel is requesting $600. For kitchen and ballroom rental.
Signs were discussed which need to be bigger and adaptable from year to year. Lion Tom W. offered to develop a sign similar to what he used for the Garden Club.
Lion Tom W. stated that we need to follow closely the expenses and revenues in the welfare so that adjustment can be made timely.
Anne revisited the issue of the donation amounts remaining stagnant despite  a surplus in the General Fund. Discussion followed. It was decided that if a Director feels a different dollar amount should be donated the Director should e-mail this as a motion to the other Board directors.
Sidway Playground Project handicapped accessible). Discussion  followed. Lion Tom W made a motion for the Club to provide $1000 with a matching amount from the Brandel Murphy Foundation.2nd By Lion Paul K. Motion passed.
The Budget is a work in progress and is subject to change!
Motion to accept the budget made by Lion Henry, 2nd by Lion Dick. Passed.
Motion to adjourn made by
Lion Dick. 2nd by Lion Henry

Respectfully Submitted.
Annette Lobl
